How much do first impressions matter in online business meetings?
We all remember the first day of school when we would walk nervously in the schoolyard and classroom to meet our new classmates and teachers. Since that young age, we have been taught to make a great first impression, present ourselves well, and welcome new people. Of course, since then, we have matured and acquired knowledge on how to make others feel good in our presence.
However, it’s not always as easy to make people feel comfortable in virtual meetings as it is in offline gatherings. This is why choosing the right software to rely on is essential: it sets the appointment for success — or failure. It’s much like choosing the restaurant on a first date. If the waiter is impolite, the food bland, and the music too loud, the chances are that there will not be a second date.
This situation could also apply to a Meet & Greet between business partners. Maybe not as drastic, but it sure can disrupt the mood and the conversation. Sessions, the all-in-one videoconferencing platform & immersive collaboration, has a public template for how a meeting like this should go. The agenda for the meeting is set up, with time slots dedicated to each topic. But you can also create your agenda from scratch.
Sessions template has the following structure:
Title of the Agenda section
Suggested tool to use
1. Get To Know Each Other
Conference, the default mode where participants take center stage.
2. Showcase a Video
Built-in Videoshow tool where you can upload a video, or paste a YouTube or Vimeo link.
3. Set Expectations
Use the platform’s Slideshow to insert a presentation into your conversation seamlessly.
4. Open Up The Floor For Questions
Conference, the default mode where participants take center stage.
5. Conclusions & What’s Next
Takeaways — a tool for the meeting’s minutes.
Get To Know Each Other: This short meeting allows the business partners to get to know one another via an open discussion. This step is essential, so don’t skip it. It may seem trivial, but working with people you know is much nicer. It helps build trust. Plus, you never know what things you might have in common, which will help make a connection between you and them.
Showcase a Video: A short video could have a more positive impact than a two-hour conversation. Feel free to share anything you think will be beneficial for your discussions.
Get To Know Each Other: A presentation gets to the fundamentals. A short Q&A after it will do wonders to clarify any misunderstandings. Never skip the Q&A! Each person is unique, and the chances are that what you said may not have been understood by everyone else.
Finally, in Takeaways you can include the meeting’s resources, write down what was discussed or needs to be done next. This will be emailed to everyone who has a Sessions account after the meeting ends.
This template is only the starting point for your meeting. The rest is up to you. Prepare for the meeting, and then start the session. And don’t forget to have some fun too and maybe crack a joke. “Why are fewer people going into archeology? Career advancement is in ruins” always gets people laughing.
Try Sessions for your next business meeting. It can do wonders for you!